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Personal Information disclaimer-There may be opportunities on our website for you to provide personal information about yourself that will allow 21st Mortgage to process your purchase, credit application, payment, or other transaction. Personal information you submit may include your first and last name; your home or other physical street address along with your city or town; your e-mail address; your telephone number; your social security number; an identifier that allows a specific person to be contacted either physically or online; and other information necessary to make a credit decision or to process a payment. It is not our policy to sell, rent, or distribute your personal information with any outside parties. Our intent is to maintain any data provided as confidential. However, the Company may share your personal information with certain third parties for non-marketing purposes. You may confirm or change information you have submitted by contacting 21st Mortgage’s Customer Service Department for general questions at 800-955-0021 ext. 2900, or 21st Mortgage’s Credit Department for credit application questions at ext. 2699. 21st Mortgage does not permit third parties to collect personal information about a consumer’s online activities over time and across various websites. 21st Mortgage reserves the right to change any of this information at any time but will update this notice should it do so. Please see 21st Mortgage’s privacy notice, linked on this page, for further information. Date of notice: Sept 29, 2017. General disclaimer-The information presented is believed to be accurate at the time of posting; however, there may be some inaccurate or out-of-date material listed. The information listed, including make, model, size, year of manufacture, availability, floor plan, features, price and other information, are all subject to change without notice. Please contact the 21st Mortgage Remarketing Center at 800-955-0021 before making any purchasing arrangements.
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